Primitiv form consists of an interactive installation that allows the viewer to physically invest a digital piece.

In reaction to the movement of the spectator, the three forms that compose this triptych are stretched, twisted to their point of rupture which causes their metamorphosis.

On a triptych 5 meters long, three very pure forms, such as modern concrete or steel icons, slowly start to activate according to the arrival of the spectator, then progressively deteriorate according to his movements thus engaging a conversation with this one.

This project was realized at the occasion of the museum night fever 2019 in collaboration with the Kanal brut. Centre Pompidou Brussels.

Primitiv form consiste en une installation interactive qui propose au spectateur d’investir physiquement un tableau numérique.

En réaction au mouvement du spectateur, les trois formes qui composent ce triptyque se tendent, se tordent jusqu’à leur point de rupture qui provoque leurs métamorphoses.

Sur un triptyque de 5 mètres de long, trois formes très pures telles des icônes modernes de béton ou d’acier commencent lentement à s’activer en fonction de l’arrivée du spectateur, puis s’altèrent progressivement en fonction de ses mouvements engageant ainsi une conversation avec celui-ci.

CONCEPTION : Cosa Mentale
REALISATION : Cosa Mentale
EXHIBITED : Kanal Brut - Centre Pompidou Brussels | LaVallée Brussels
DATE : 2019


Credit Website | Cosa Mentale 2019